IEEE Biography

Martin Bastiaans (S'69-M'69-SM'85-F'10-LF'13) received an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (1969, with honors) and a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences (1983), from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. In 1969 he became an assistant professor, and from 1985 until his retirement in 2012, he was an associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, most recently in the Signal Processing Systems Group. His research covers different aspects in the general field of signal and system theory and includes a signal-theoretical approach of all kinds of problems that arise in Fourier optics. He served for eight years as the Dean for Research of his department.

Martin is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Optical Society of America. He is the (co-)author of more than 180 papers in international scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings.

Having served IEEE in several positions in the past, Martin presently holds the position of IEEE MGA Vice Chair, Geographic Unit Operations.

A more extensive biography can be found at here.